General medicine E-log(1)
July 06, 2022 Hi, I'm G. Manish Reddy (roll:46), 3rd sem medical student. This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's health data shared after taking his/her consent . This also reflects my patient centered care and online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: Chief complaint : A 46yr old patient who is farmer by profession came to OPD with the chief complaint of decreased urine output and shortness of breath since 20days History of present illness : Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15yrs ago. Then he developed high grade fever for which he consulted local doctor and was diagnosed with type2 Diabetes Mellitus. He was assigned a diabetic diet. 3yrs ago he was gaining weight for which he visited doctor and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and renal disease. He was started on dialysis on October 2021. He came to our hospital for dialysis and has been on it for past 8months (twice a week) History of past illness : Diabetes milletus since 20 years Hypertension since 15 yea